Jun 1, 2014

#challenges are here to challenge us..

I have so many #tasks on my life´s to do list that I am often laughing at myself thinking about all those years when I was hiding before Life, before myself. I have always been this dreaming and thinking and phantasizing creature.. I know it may sound whatever way you feel like but when you are twenty-eight and you realise that you have not been sitting on the horse´s back EVER, you either do something about it or you will die wondering how on earth this Life passed on so quickly without YOU actually living it and having control over it at least a bit.. 

So I decided to do something about it. 
I want to let myself live a Life I want for myself.
And the results are funny.

I was given back a horse who can actually fly. :)

Who would not love that?! :)

I happen to start thinking that apologies and refusals are no longer here for me.. 

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